An Inspirational Icon

When ICAN Financial Counsellor Unaisi Buli speaks, people listen. With 14 years of experience and a Jan Pentland Prize to her name, she has proven her passion and commitment to creating positive change for First Nations communities across Far North Queensland. Now she wants others to follow her lead. With ICAN Learn launching its new 2025 ‘Rethinking Cultural Practice’ (RCP) Scholarship program, it’s the perfect time to make a difference.

Hi Unaisi, welcome to The Yarn!

First up, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a First Nations person from Darnley Island (Erub) from my mum’s side and a Fijian descendant from my dad. I came from a retail banking background, having been employed by one of the banks for five years before starting with ICAN in 2010. I completed my Diploma and have been a Financial Counsellor for 14 years as of 27 September!

Why did you decide on a career in financial counselling?

I experienced hardship and also saw many of our people struggling when I was a bank teller. One incident stuck in my mind when an Elder came into the branch who was being financially abused by their grandchild, it broke my heart. The Elder was already struggling with her direct debits. If I’d known what I know now, there would have been referral pathways to Financial Counselling. I was so happy to discover financial counselling. I felt this profession was the missing piece I was looking for, I love it.  I’m here until I retire.

How does your outreach work with ICAN make a difference to people in remote communities?

Remote communities don’t have many services and technology can be a barrier for people. We impact the lives of mob on the ground by bringing assistance directly to their community.  It can be difficult sometimes to advocate on someone’s behalf remotely, especially when it comes to the ATO and other more complex cases. It’s also a good opportunity to spot any systemic consumer issues that might be happening in that community so we can table them at national advisory boards.

You represent ICAN on several advisory boards, what unique perspectives and experiences do you bring to these discussions?

I bring the cases we see on the ground to these forums so that key decision-makers know the issues that mob are currently dealing with.  This can help create change, such as free ATMs, the Telstra redress scheme, and changes or updates to superannuation.

Can you tell us why a career in Financial counselling is so rewarding?

Having a career in financial counselling is so rewarding as it’s about getting good outcomes for our clients, improving their lifestyle, and financially empowering them to make better choices. It’s not always about big financial wins, it’s also about the people and the positive impact the outcome has on their lives and general wellbeing.  After working in other industries it is so great to be able to empower my people in a meaningful way.

Why do we need more First Nations financial counsellors in the sector?

We need more First Nations financial counsellors on the ground nationally, as some people would prefer to speak to their own mob. I love financial counselling as it allows me to be a voice for our mob to assist in their financial wellbeing and empower our people to make their own financial decisions on their own terms.

ICAN Learn has launched its 2025 Scholarship Program; what would you say to someone who wants to apply?

I would say apply now – it will change your life. I practice what I preach. Studying changed my life, and allows me to also change the lives of my clients.  Our registered training organisation, ICAN Learn, is an amazing organisation with understanding and compassionate trainers and staff who will support you all the way.  So, what are you waiting for?

ICAN Learn’s 2025 RCP Scholarships are filling up fast, so apply here today!

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