We caught up with ICAN Learn’s latest recruit and proud Gulidjan woman, Tracey Grinter, to have a yarn about her new role and why she’s passionate about developing partnerships to upskill the financial capability sector.
Welcome Tracey! We’ve interviewed you before haven’t we?
Yes – I’ve was previously interviewed about my work as a casual teacher with ICAN Learn. I’ve taught the Financial Literacy Skillset and Financial Counselling Diploma casually since 2019 and really love it, but it’s great being here to talk about my new role!
What made you join ICAN Learn full time?
When the opportunity came up to take on the Course Coordinator and Compliance role, I jumped at it! As a casual teacher for ICAN Learn, I already understand the vision and culture organisation, so this was a fantastic opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. I’m also obviously passionate about the work as I’ve been in the financial counselling sector for 15 years! Another reason it appealed to me is that I’m Indigenous, so the fact that our parent company is an Indigenous organisation makes me really proud. I feel like I’m in the right place at the right time.
That’s too deadly! What Country are you from?
I’m from Gulidjan country, whose traditional lands cover the Lake Colac region of Victoria. My family originated from Colac – that’s my mob, that’s my people.
What is a day in the life of a Course Coordinator and Compliance role like?
I’m still learning! In a nutshell, I’ll be responsible for reviewing all of ICAN Learn’s courses and course direction, as well as our assessment processes and procedures. As a training provider approved by the Department of Education Skills and Training, ICAN Learn’s compliance must be in top shape, so we need to ensure we’re compliant with all relevant standards and meeting all of our RTO obligations.
ICAN Learn is developing more agency, government, and corporate partnerships in 2022. Is this part of your new role?
Definitely. I work closely with ICAN Learn Executive Officer Bernadette Pasco, so we’ve discussed what we can do with Yarnin’ Money and the Financial Literacy Skillset, especially in this region. I think there’s a lot of potential to be more involved in this space, especially now that ICAN Learn has its head office in Castlemaine. I also sit on local Reconciliation Action Committees, so it would be good to have ICAN Learn a bit more represented in those spaces too.
Why is ICAN Learn’s partnerships with Indigenous organisations so important?
The focus on financial counselling and financial literacy across this region hasn’t been that strong for our Aboriginal controlled health organisations. ICAN Learn could help strengthen the work of those organisations by upskilling some staff around financial literacy and then see how we can pass it onto the communities and mobs across the region. There aren’t any Indigenous financial counsellors employed by Aboriginal controlled health organisations in this region, so the long-term vision is what can we do in terms of service delivery for our Indigenous communities and how can we best support them.
What’s the benefit of having skilled financial capability workers on staff?
Some agencies rely on clients accessing mainstream financial counselling and financial capability services. But as we know, our Indigenous populations are often reluctant to access mainstream services. Upskilling staff around financial capability – especially within Aboriginal organisations – is a great start and could lead to having a financial counsellor on staff. I knew a financial counsellor who volunteered one day a week at the local Aboriginal Co-op. You could see the benefits of having a financial counsellor on staff trusted by the mob. It was really powerful.
What are your career aspirations?
I see a big gap within the corporate sector around financial capability and financial literacy, particularly around creditors and debt collectors. If we can improve their understanding of the impacts of financial literacy and how they can better support their clients and customers, it will improve outcomes for everyone. And of course, as I mentioned earlier, working with Indigenous organisations, our mob, and how we can better support them. They’re two of my goals for first 12 months!
Who inspires you?
Michelle Obama is the first person that comes to mind, she’s someone I’ve always looked up to and admired. And of course, my mob. Seeing what they have achieved and the barriers they’ve overcome inspires me every day.