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Applying for a VET Student Loan
Students intending to apply for a VET Student Loan for their course must follow the each of the steps outlined below before applying for a VET Student Loan.
Note that a VET Student Loan gives rise to a VETSL debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid. A VETSL debt, until repaid may reduce a student’s take-home (after tax) wage or salary and may reduce the student’s borrowing capacity. A student may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying for a VET Student Loan.
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Check that you are eligible for a VET Student Loan
Check the Australian Government’s VET Student Loan information for students. VET Student Loans are only available to students in approved courses at the Diploma level and above.
A VET Student Loan will not be approved if you do not meet the eligibility requirements.
ICAN Learn is a VET Student Loan approved provider for the Diploma of Financial Counselling CHC51122.
Find out more about FEE HELP loans and citizenship requirements on the Government Study Assist website
Before you apply
- Read the Government information booklet.
2. Verify your citizenship. Learn more about how to verify your citizenship before enrolling in a program.
3. Verify your Unique Student Identifier [USI].
4. Have your Tax File Number [TFN] or Certificate of application ready.
5. Quick guide to Applications
6. Quick guide to Information requirements
Applying and managing your VET Student Loan
Step 1: Read the eCAF Fact Sheet
Step 2: Meet all eligibility criteria (check your eligibility). Download the eligibility fact sheet
Step 3: Let ICAN Learn know that you intend to apply for a VET Student Loan
Step 4: ICAN Learn will check you meet the eligibility for a VET Student Loan and enter your details into eCAF
Step 5: Log into the Government portal
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations will send instructions to your email account.
You must read the email and follow the instructions to log into the government’s eCAF portal.
If you are unable to find your email, check your junk or spam folder.
Step 6: Enter your Tax File Number [TFN]
Enter your TFN or Certificate of application for a TFN. A VET Student Loan application will not be confirmed without confirmation of the TFN. This will require you to pay fees to ICAN Learn by the due date in the tuition fees schedule.
You can validate your TFN by going to your myGov account [login required] or by contacting the ATO. If your ATO details are not correct, you will need to update your details with the ATO immediately. A loan application cannot proceed without this.
Step 7: Submit your application using the Government eCAF portal
Submit your application in the eCAF portal before the first census date for the classes you want the loan to cover.
Loans are not able to be backdated if your application is submitted after the census date.
Step 8: Make sure your VET Student Loan is approved
Your VET Student Loan is not approved unless you have received a VET Student Loan approval letter.
Once you submit your eCAF with a validated TFN, it will be approved and a loan approval letter is issued the next day.
Step 9: Know your VET Student Loan Program Cap
The Australian Government sets a VET Student Loan ‘Program Loan Cap for your program. this is the maximum amount of tuition that can be deferred to your VET Student Loan for this program, and includes any study in the same program at a different provider.
Your Program Loan Cap is displayed on your eCAF and on your invoice. Once you reach your loan cap you will be required to pay any remaining tuition fees by the due date.
Caps are indexed every year. You can find out more by going to VET Student Loans Course Caps Indexed Amounts.
Step 10: Complete Progression Forms
Students who have a VET Student Loan must complete quarterly progression reports to remain a genuine student and meet the VET Student Loan conditions.
Tuition Fees & Census Dates
The Census Date is the last day you can:
- complete the eCAF application to access a VET Student Loan
- withdraw your enrolment without having to pay tuition fees for the course or part of the course
How are the tuition fees calculated?
Tuition fees are calculated by multiplying the nominal hours by an hourly rate for each unit.
Tuition Assurance & re-crediting
ICAN Learn maintains accurate student records to ensure that all aspects of the VET Student Loan are current and support the interest of the student.
Should a student withdraw from a course prior to census day in the relevant fee period of the course, any tuition fees paid will be re-credited to the student loan to ensure that the student is able to maintain their VSL loan cap.
Our policy about fees and charges and fee refunds is here.
Complaints about VET student loans
Students who have a problem with the management or process related to their VET student loan should make an internal complaint to ICAN Learn in the first instance. ICAN Learn will work with the student to resolve their complaint.
If the student is unable to resolve the complaint, they can lodge a complaint with the VET Student Loans Ombudsman. The VET Student Loans Ombudsman investigates complaints, is free and independent.
ICAN Learn subscribes to the VSL Code of Practice which gives education providers best practice guidelines to resolve complaints. This Code is overseen by the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Information about the VET Student Loans Ombudsman can be found here